6 Money Mindset Practices That Will Help You And Your Business

Starting Out…

When I first started my business, I had no idea what I was doing. I took a business course the year prior and the first thing they taught me about was my mindset. The instructor told me, if I didn’t work on my mindset around being successful as a daily practice my business would stay at a standstill. During that time, I was going through major shifts in my life. I had never started a business, I was living in NYC with a $2000 month rent, little to no savings, and relying heavily on faith that my business would work out.

Most of us struggle with mindset, and a lot of women struggle with a lack of money and making big money. If you’ve ever been one of those people who see the posts of women making $10k months, or $20k months with ease and you roll your eyes, feel like it’s BS 😮‍💨 and wonder what the “scheme” is. I feel you, I understand and I was you.

But here’s the thing, any successful entrepreneur does mindset work. They also have a killer morning or daily routine backed by some real confidence that they will always succeed.

It’s the whole fake it till you make it vibe until one day you are no longer faking it and you just have made it. 

I'm sure you've heard of terms like the law of attraction, manifestation, and meditation. These are some really powerful tools to help you get into the mindset of building a successful business and getting out of the old ideas that we need to work 9-5, have a baseline paycheck, or will never make those big months like you see in those Facebook Groups. None of this is true, by the way. These beliefs are all things that your subconscious mind picked up when you were a child.

You may have learned the only way to “be successful” is to go to college, work your way up in a corporate job, go on vacation once every century, get married, have babies, be a stay-at-home mom, retire at 55 and then travel.

If this is what YOU want then amazing and live your best life girl, but the women in my corner want more.

Now more than ever there are more self-made millionaire women because of starting online businesses, and I truly believe you can be one too.

And here’s the way I break it down. It's all about vibration and being a vibrational match for what you want to call in and what you truly desire and deserve! Living in that vibration daily, while also allowing yourself to experience your insecurities and struggles - because there are answers in those.

I’m not the person who plays you have to always think about the positive game. I think a good mental breakdown/cry session gives you so much information about yourself and allows you to acknowledge and nurture yourself, then course correct and come out stronger.

I'm going to share with you some practices I do daily that have helped me shift my mindset drastically - manifest clients, $10k+ revenue months, and build my business.

1. Gratitude. Gratitude journaling is one of the easiest ways to shift you into a higher vibration and move your thoughts into what you have vs. what you don't have. When you wake up in the morning while your having your tea or coffee, go ahead and jot down 5 things you are grateful for. That can look like, 1. I am so grateful for the roof over my head, a warm bed to sleep in, the ability to purchase a coffee, my family, and the brains and drive to build a business. This immediately sets the tone for your day.

2. Do a short and swift morning meditation. If you are like me, you want to keep your morning routine down to 30 minutes or so. Set yourself up a meditation/morning routine corner. Get candles, and incense, and maybe create a money altar by adding in items that make you feel rich. Get centered sit and listen to a 10-15 minute meditation. I’ve linked my recommendations below.



Here are some of my favorite overnight meditations:


3. EFT Tapping. Emotional Freedom Technique is one of the best and easy practices to get your mindset right. It may look silly but the benefits are beyond and I sware by it. It's essentially tapping on meridian points in your upper body and saying affirmations to help shift your mindset and subconscious mind. EFT helps you to acknowledge the issue at hand, process that information, accept it, and then create a powerful solution. I like to do these 2 short EFT’s after I meditation in the morning. Occasionally if I am feeling down about a slow week or day, I do these twice a day.




4. Money Management Tools. This one took me years to figure out - if I didn't know where my money was going I was vibrationally not a match for it. Therefore no matter how much I made, it all just went out the door. Do you ever hear of those people who win the lottery and then lose it all? It’s because they never worked on their mindset around money. 

 Understanding what is coming in, honoring and being grateful for it, and then spreadsheeting away, budgeting and investing or hiring an accountant helps you grow your money. When the universe sees that you are dedicated to expanding and growing, money will continue to come in! 

5. Treat yourself like the goddess you are. This is essentially my fake it till you make it vibe. When there’s something I don’t want to do, I envision my higher best self feeling great after it is done. So for example, if I hate going over my numbers, I’ll find a luxurious way to do this. I’ll go to a nice bar in the neighborhood and have a glass of wine, get dressed up, and pretend I’m a badass CEO with millions of dollars. When I get in that vibration, I complete my task and reward myself, and feel really good about myself - which in turn creates more opportunities and receiving energy.

6. Investing in the right things. I’m a firm believer that you need to continuously invest in mindset / business programs to continue to grow. Even 7 figure entrepreneurs have mentors and coaches. If this isn’t something you can afford, try to join small per month groups of women who are also working towards the same goals you are. Just being in the energy of others can help massively.

Here are my favorite books/online programs that have helped me over the past few years:

Think and Grow Rich
Feel Free To Prosper
To Be Magnetic

If you have any questions or are looking for some mentorship just send me a message! 

xx, Kali


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